When you struggle with missing teeth, every day can be tough. You depend on your smile for every interaction that you make, and you need your teeth to be able to chew the foods that you love. If your smile is not at the level that you would like it to be, talk to your dentist about whether dental implants are right for you. This amazing technology is helping people across the world to experience a renewed set of teeth, and they could be your key to a fuller, stronger smile.
At Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, we help people to learn to love their smiles again. If you have lost one or more of your natural teeth, take the time to talk to our team about your options. We provide a range of restorative dental procedures, including the placement of beautiful new dental implants, and we can help you to understand all of your options. It all starts with a conversation with our office, so if you are ready to make a change, give us a call today!
The Dental Implant Process Is Changing The Game
Up until the development of dental implants for prosthodontic repair, attaching a new prosthetic tooth meant relying on the structures surrounding the area. For dental bridges, that means using the two teeth on either side of the gap to mount a hanging prosthetic that mimics a natural tooth. Dentures require messy adhesive that can sometimes fail. Neither of these solutions are perfect, but for the longest time, they were the best options possible.
How Do Dental Implants Work?
Now, dental implants are providing an alternative that can handle chewing even the toughest foods. Through the placement of a sturdy titanium post within the bone tissue of the jaw, dental professionals are able to deliver a prosthetic that stays put with a strong connection. This is possible through an amazing biological process known as osseointegration, which happens with this specific metal. Bone tissue allows titanium to remain within the jaw, growing around the implant post, rather than pushing it out.
Missing More Than One Tooth?
If you think that you might not be a candidate for dental implant placement because you are missing more than one tooth, it might be time to rethink things. Dental implants are becoming a solution for many forms of tooth loss, up to and including a full mouth replacement. Talk to your dentist and ask about whether they can help you.
Discover Dental Implants In Sheridan, WY!
Are you ready to replace your missing or failing tooth? Then give us a call. To find out more about how dental implants are making quality smile renewal better than ever, contact Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, today at (307) 672-7567!