Talk To Your Dentist About Your Jaw Troubles

Sheridan, WY, dentist offers treatment for TMJ

Do you often feel pain or discomfort around your jaw, neck, or face? This tension could be a sign of temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ), which can cause many oral health problems if left untreated. In today’s blog, your Grinnell Street Dental team in Sheridan, WY, is here to discuss your treatment options for this disorder.

Identify Symptoms Of TMD

You may have TMJ dysfunction for several months, or even years, before you realize there is a problem. The symptoms of this disorder can range from mild problems, like headaches, to more serious ones, such as frequent jaw pain or sensitivity when chewing. If you do not know what side effects to look out for, you may not realize there is a problem until the symptoms become more severe. Along with frequent headaches and discomfort, you could also experience migraines, bruxism, or ringing in your ears. You can bring these symptoms up to your dentist at your next checkup, and they may be able to examine your smile and jaw to diagnose the issue.

Your Dentist Can Create A Custom Appliance

An oral appliance may help relieve your symptoms of TMD and can also help patients who have bruxism. You will wear this appliance nightly to alleviate pressure from your jaws. To create this custom appliance, impressions will be made of your smile during your examination so that it can fit your specific needs. If you have bruxism, a condition that causes you to chronically grind your teeth together, this appliance can help protect your pearly whites from this condition. Without this treatment, your symptoms may worsen and can put your oral health at risk. Untreated TMD can cause your smile to become misaligned and may worsen bite problems.

Include This In An FMR Plan

When you experience jaw dysfunction, you may experience several other oral health problems as well. Since your joints do not function properly, you may place a lot of pressure on your jaw, and this can lead to teeth grinding when you are unaware. Over time, this can wear down your pearly whites, causing damage to them. Your dentist may be able to help treat and diagnose these problems all at once with the help of a full-mouth rehabilitation plan.

With an FMR plan, your dentist will examine your smile and create a plan to restore it back to health. If you have problems with TMJ, bruxism, broken teeth, and more, these can be treated efficiently with the help of an oral appliance, dental crowns, and other restorative methods.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Team Today

Your Grinnell Street Dental team can help diagnose and treat TMJ dysfunction and relieve discomfort. Call our team today at 307-672-7567 to learn more about your treatment options.

filed under: TMJ