Questions About Veneers? We Have Answers

Sheridan, WY, dentist offers veneers for patients

With so many cosmetic treatments available for patients, it can be challenging to decide on the best one for your specific needs. There are options to remove stains from your enamel, hide blemishes, and correct your smile’s misalignment. If you are interested in addressing several of these issues at once, porcelain veneers may be a helpful option. The team at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, is here today to answer some of the most common questions about this treatment.

What Should I Expect When Starting The Process?

Porcelain veneers are thin shells that cover the front of your teeth. They can help address a variety of cosmetic issues and create a more even-appearing smile for you. In total, the process of consultation, preparation, and bonding can take around three weeks. The first step is a consultation with your dentist, where they will examine your teeth and gums to ensure you are cavity-free and in good oral health. After this, your teeth will be prepared, and an impression will be taken to create the custom made shells. These are custom-made in a lab and may take a few weeks to create. When they are ready, your dentist will check that they fit correctly before securely bonding them in place.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Them?

Veneers can help improve the look of your smile by disguising stubborn blemishes, misshapen teeth, gaps between your smile, and other imperfections. A good candidate for this cosmetic treatment would be a patient with good oral health, free of cavities, with no signs of periodontal disease. If you have any significant oral health problems, these will need to be restored first to ensure the shells are properly supported when they are secured in place. Patients looking for a more conservative cosmetic treatment may prefer a more alternative solution like bonding and contouring. Bonding involves adding composite resin to blemishes like stains, chips, and misshapen teeth. This process is more conservative and can be completed in a single visit.

How Do I Take Care Of My Veneers?

We use porcelain to create our veneers. This material is strong and stain-resistant, meaning it requires very little maintenance. It’s essential that you continue your regular oral hygiene routine at home, including brushing and flossing twice a day. You will need to continue visiting your dentist twice a year for checkups because cosmetic treatments do not protect your smile from damage. Avoid habits like smoking or grinding your teeth, as these can damage the porcelain. Your dentist can give you specific care instructions for veneers after they are placed.

Talk To Our Team To Learn More

Schedule a consultation with our team to find out if this cosmetic treatment is right for you. You can call Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, today at 307-672-7567 to learn more.