Keep Up With Your Oral Health

keep up with your oral health sheridan wyHave you been skipping your routine visits to the dentist? If so, you could be putting your smile at serious risk. In between your visits to the oral health provider, the responsibility for keeping your smile safe lies solely with you, meaning that these appointments are vital to your smile success. Most people need to see their dentist at least twice each year for a biannual checkup, so if you have not been seen yet in 2024, then it is time to come in for a cleaning and an examination. Keep up with your oral health with consistent trips to the dentist.

At Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, we understand the importance of doing things the right way. When it comes to dental prevention, meeting for checkups is a key part of staying up to date, and we are here to help. With routine biannual checkups and cleanings, you have the opportunity to keep the focus on your oral health at all times. This is also a great place to ask all of your oral health-related questions, so make sure that you are up to date with your checkups. To find out more, give us a call today!

Can You Remember The Date Of Your Last Visit?

If you are struggling to recall when the last time it was that you were at the dentist, then it is time to give your oral health team a call. Most people require these appointments every six months, meaning that if you have not been seen yet in 2024, then you are running behind. While you wait, you put yourself at risk of tooth decay, periodontal disease, and more, so you want to stick to your schedule.

Plaque bacteria start to accumulate in areas where your toothbrush and floss are not getting the job done. When this material stays on the surface of your teeth and along your gumline, it calcifies into harder tartar, and when this happens, you need a trained dental professional to remove it. If you do not see your provider for biannual checkups, then you leave yourself open to harm.

Be Sure To Ask Questions

While you are at the office for a routine cleaning and examination, this not only your chance to experience a fresher, cleaner smile. It is also your opportunity to ask any questions about your current smile and how to improve your oral health. So, the next time you are in the dental chair, be sure to bring up all of your important topics!

Keep Up With Your Oral Health At Grinnell Street

Are you ready to get back on track with your dental checkups? If so, talk to our team about coming in for a cleaning and examination. To find out more about how to keep up with your oral health, call Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY today at (307) 672-7567!