In a recent blog, we talked about a few different cosmetic treatments that could help improve the appearance of your smiles. Some of the options that we offer include professional teeth whitening to remove stains, bonding and contouring for a more balanced look, and even porcelain veneers to correct various concerns. The team at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, also offers Invisalign to help patients improve misaligned smiles. In today’s blog, we’re here to discuss how this process works.
Clear Trays Help Improve Overcrowded And Uneven Teeth
Invisalign is a popular choice for many patients these days, but what exactly is it? A series of trays are created based on the measurements of your smile. You will wear the aligners every day, removing them only to eat or brush your teeth. In about one to two years, your teeth will be shifted into the correct placement, and you can feel confident in your appearance. This is a great option for teenage and adult patients who want to correct overcrowded or imperfectly spaced teeth. To find out if you are a good candidate for this treatment option, you will need a consultation with your dentist. They will thoroughly examine your oral cavity and assess how severe your misalignment is.
Feel Confident And Comfortable During Treatment
Many adults need orthodontic care but may put off treatment due to not wanting traditional braces or a long treatment. Invisalign offers patients a chance to fix misalignment without the need for uncomfortable metal brackets and wires. Instead of wearing braces for two to three years to correct gaps or overcrowding issues, clear aligners can be worn to improve these concerns. You will wear your clear trays every day and switch trays as instructed by your dentist. In just a couple of years, your smile will look brand new! What’s better? Others will not be able to detect the trays during the duration of your treatment.
Improve Your Smile With Other Cosmetic Services
After you have completed treatment, you may feel satisfied with your new grin and ready to show off to others. You can give your pearly whites an extra boost with the help of a professional whitening treatment. This option helps remove stains from the surface of your teeth. It can be done in our office or at home, depending on your personal preferences. Discoloration from beverages and foods can be rapidly removed, leaving you with brighter pearly whites.
Find Out If You Qualify For Invisalign
This method of clear aligners could help correct your misalignment and help you feel more confident. Schedule a consultation with Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, today at (307) 672-7567 to find out if you are a good candidate.