When Was Your Last Biannual Checkup?

biannual checkup sheridan wyIf it has been a while since the last time you were at the dentist, then it is time to make a change. These appointments are vital for your oral health maintenance, and most people need them around every six months. When you look at the calendar, you might notice that we are past the midway point of the year, meaning that if you have not been in yet in 2024, then you are falling behind. It’s time for your next biannual checkup!

With our team of caring dental professionals at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, you can keep the focus on your smile the entire time. When you come into the office for a checkup, you receive not only a visual examination, but also advanced imagery and a thorough cleaning of your smile. This makes them a powerful part of your oral health maintenance, and they should not be ignored. If you have been skipping your appointments at the dentist, take this opportunity to improve your approach. To find out more, give us a call today!

How Long Has It Been Since Your Last Appointment?

Can you remember your last dental appointment? If it has been longer than six months, then it is time to talk to your dentist, and we are here to help. These visits are vital for your oral health maintenance, helping you to understand what is going on with your smile. When you fall behind in your schedule, then you can start to run into some serious oral health issues.

When you brush your teeth, you remove a form of bacterial biofilm known as plaque. This is what is left behind by bacteria as the feast upon remnants of food left within your mouth. If this material stays on the surface of your teeth and along your gumline, then it hardens into a tougher material known as tartar, and at this point, you need a dental professional to safely remove it.

Ask All Of Your Oral Health Questions At Your Checkup

While you are in the dental chair, it is the perfect opportunity to talk about any changes that have started to happen within your smile. This means that when you come in, you should be prepared to ask all of your questions. You have a chance to talk one-on-one with a dental professional, and they have the knowledge and training that you need to understand your oral health. Some patients have seen advantages by writing down their concerns over the week prior.

Schedule Your Next Biannual Checkup At Grinnell Street Dental!

If you are ready for your next visit, call our office to schedule a time to talk. To set up your next biannual checkup, call Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY today at (307) 672-7567!