What Could Be Causing Your TMJ Dysfunction?

Sheridan, WY, dentist offers treatment for TMJ disorder

If you are experiencing symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ or TMD), you could be at risk of harming your oral health. While symptoms like headaches or jaw pain may seem like a mild issue you can treat with over-the-counter pain reducers, the long-term effects of this untreated disorder could lead to joint damage, chronic pain, sleep problems, and more. Your Sheridan, WY, dentist is here today to explain what could be causing this issue and how it can be addressed.

Your Discomfort May Be Due To A Jaw Injury Or Misalignment

TMJ disorder happens when your jaw joints do not properly line up or hinge correctly. This may be due to a variety of reasons, ranging from genetics to jaw injuries. It’s estimated that around ten percent of people have this disorder, but it can often be difficult to know this because the signs may not be severe enough to notice. A common cause of this disorder could be experiencing an injury to your jaw. If you are struck in the face, it could potentially cause your joints to become unbalanced and cause more tension to be placed on them. An overbite or underbite could also exert too much pressure on your joints, making it difficult for them to hinge correctly.

The Side Effects Of TMD Can Harm Your Overall Well Being

When you have TMD, there is a lot of pressure placed on your jaw joints which can cause headaches, discomfort, and more. Aside from this chronic discomfort, this disorder could also cause you to be grinding your teeth, which can wear them down and cause many oral health problems. In some cases, you may be grinding your teeth in your sleep or when you are unaware. This can lead to your teeth becoming worn down and can easily decay, be chipped, or can fracture. Your dentist may be able to help treat this by creating an oral appliance and restoring your smile with a dental crown or other treatments if necessary.

An Oral Appliance May Be Able To Help Relieve Your Discomfort

Your dentist may be able to help diagnose this disorder and treat the problem without surgery. When you come in for your checkup, you can discuss your other symptoms that you have been experiencing. Frequent headaches, sensitive teeth, and other signs can be used to help diagnose the concern. An oral appliance can be created to alleviate pain and bring relief to your jaw joints. You will wear this at night when you sleep, and it may be able to help treat your concern.

Talk To Our Team About Your Treatment Options

TMJ dysfunction can be uncomfortable, but we can help relieve your symptoms. Call Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, today at (307) 672-7567 to schedule an appointment.

filed under: TMJ