Debunking Common Myths About Cold Sores

Sheridan, WY, dentist offers treatment for cold sores If you have ever gotten a fever blister, you know just how annoying these blisters can be. They can feel itchy and irritating, can disrupt your appearance, and can make you feel self-conscious. Luckily, your team at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, can help treat these rapidly so you don’t have to wait several weeks for it to disappear on its own. In today’s blog, we’re here to talk about how laser treatment could help you!

If You Don’t Have A Blister, You Can’t Spread The Virus To Others

Cold sores are more common than you may have been told. It’s estimated that more than half of all adults in the US have the virus that can cause these blisters. While this is a common problem, many people do not know how they develop or how to treat them if they appear. One of the most common misconceptions about this issue is that if you don’t develop a cold sore, you do not have the HSV-1 virus. In actuality, many people with the HSV-1 virus are asymptomatic but can still spread the virus. This is why it’s important to not share utensils, straws, and lip balm.

They Are Caused By The Common Cold

While they are often referred to as cold sores, the medical term is herpes labialis and is actually caused by the herpes virus. This may be passed to you through direct contact from kissing or sharing utensils. You may go many years without experiencing a blister or other symptoms. However, high stress, hormonal changes, or getting sick, can cause a blister to appear. They can pop up around your lip, nose, or around your mouth. If you begin to feel an itchy or burning sensation around this area, it could be a sign that one is forming. You may be able to treat this before it develops with laser therapy. The laser will be directed in the area and can reduce the chances of the blister fully developing or erupting in the same spot.

You Can’t Go To The Dentist With A Cold Sore

Some dentists may prefer that you wait for the spot to go away before you come in for your checkup because a sore increases the risk of spreading one. However, some dentists may have special procedures for this and still allow you to come in. In our office, we can help target oral herpes with laser treatment. This means you can still come in for planned checkups or restorative care. You may be able to include these treatments within a full mouth-rehabilitation plan.

Curious About Cold Sore Treatment? Ask Our Team

The team at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, can help you get rid of these pesky spots and prevent them from popping up in the same spot. Schedule an appointment with our team today by calling (307) 672-7567.