End The Summer With A Brighter Smile

Sheridan, WY, dentist offers in office and at home professional teeth whitening

Summer break will be over before you know it! Before your schedule is packed with your kid’s extracurricular activities and other important tasks, make sure you feel confident in your smile. The team at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, offers cosmetic treatments like professional teeth whitening which can help lift stains and boost your confidence. In today’s blog, we’ll talk about the benefits of these in-office and at-home treatments.

You Can Whiten Your Smile With Convenient Options

Over-the-counter whitening products like toothpastes, mouthwash, or strips claim to whiten your smile effectively. However, these can often contain harsh ingredients that can cause more harm than good for your pearly whites. In some cases, the ingredients may not be able to target tough stains and can cause you to spend a lot of time and money on a method that does not work for you.  Luckily, there are professional whitening options that are just as convenient as these store-bought options. This can be done in our office in just about an hour by a professional or accomplished at home with a custom take home kit. You will wear your trays and bleaching gel everyday as instructed and can show off your stain-free smile in just about two weeks.

Stain-Free Teeth Can Help You Feel More Confident

Your smile is one of the first things that people notice about you when you first meet them. By having bright, stain-free teeth, you can feel confident in your appearance and leave a lasting impressions. This cosmetic treatment may be helpful for college students entering their new school year, or for adults who want to refresh their look and feel confident for special events coming up in the fall. Before having this improvement done, your dentist will examine your smile and determine if this will be a helpful treatment for your needs. A professional whitening treatment can help patients who have stains on their enamel.

Other Cosmetic Treatments Can Boost Your Look

What can you do about stubborn stains, or discoloration that appears below your enamel? These intrinsic blemishes can be corrected with other helpful cosmetic treatments, such as porcelain veneers or a bonding service. Tooth bonding involves adding a material to the stubborn area to create a more even and uniform look. This option is noninvasive and can be accomplished in a single appointment. The composite resin will be matched to the rest of your smile to blend in seamlessly. A good oral hygiene routine and consistent checkups can help your results last.

Ask Our Team About Cosmetic Improvements

Do you have questions about ways you can boost your smile’s appearance? Call Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, today at 307-672-7567 to learn more or to schedule an appointment.