Get Rid Of Enamel Stains With A Professional Whitening Treatment

Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, offers professional teeth whitening services

The team at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, offers restorative care and cosmetic treatments that can help keep your smile healthy and in good condition. Patients with many concerns may be able to have a full-mouth rehabilitation plan. Once your smile is in good health, cosmetic treatments like professional teeth whitening can be done to brighten your smile. In today’s blog, we’ll discuss how this treatment works.

Brighten Your Smile In Our Office

Your pearly whites can become discolored over time due to external factors such as the foods we eat and beverages we drink. For example, if you are a daily coffee or tea drinker, you may notice that your teeth have yellowed over time. Over-the-counter products may advertise brightening abilities, but these are not tailored to your needs and can often contain harsh ingredients. Instead of use store bought kits, you can have your teeth brightened by a professional in our office. We will apply a bleaching agent to your teeth and activate it with a light to break down stains. This can leave you with a brighter smile in just about one hour.

Our Take Home Option Is Safe And Flexible

For patients who want the convenience of a store-bought kit but with professional results, we can create a customized take-home kit. You will wear custom trays with the bleaching agent every day for about ten days. This will help gradually remove stains from your teeth and leave you with vibrant results. An at-home option may be a convenient solution for patients who have a special occasion coming up. It’s important to remember that you will need to continue your regular oral hygiene routine during and after this cosmetic treatment. Cosmetic treatments do not address damage to your smile, so if you have harmed your pearly whites, restorative treatments will need to be done first.

Bonding Can Help With Stubborn Stains

Not all stains on your pearly whites can be removed with this brightening service. Intrinsic blemishes, such as from injuries, aging, or smoking, occur below your enamel and cannot be removed. Instead, alternative options like cosmetic bonding can be done to conceal the imperfections. Tooth bonding uses composite resin to cover blemishes on your pearly whites. This material is lifelike and will blend in with the natural appearance of your smile. Another option for concealing imperfections is with porcelain veneers, which use tooth-shaped shells to cover the front of your teeth. Veneers can give you a more uniform appearance and may be a helpful option for patients with several cosmetic concerns.

Ask Our Team About Cosmetic Options

Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, offers cosmetic services from whitening to veneers. To learn more about your options, call our team today at 307-672-7567.