Metal-Free Fillings Blend In With Your Smile

Sheridan, WY, dentist offers metal-free fillings

Cavities are one of the most frequently treated concerns for dental patients. Preventive measures like checkups and a good oral hygiene routine can decrease your chances of decay, but you will likely have a cavity at least once in your life. When you come in for treatment, we use a lifelike restoration that matches the color of your tooth. In today’s blog, your Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, explains the benefits of these natural-looking fillings.

The Purpose Of Filling Cavities

When you have a cavity, your dentist will recommend that you get it filled to stop the progression of decay and protect your tooth. Decay is caused when bacteria accumulate in your mouth and hardens into plaque, which sticks to your teeth. You can reduce your chances of decay by following a consistent oral hygiene routine and visiting your dentist regularly. Your dentist may be able to detect the formation of a cavity during your biannual examination. You may notice that you experience a lingering discomfort after eating certain foods, or a change in texture of your dental structure. A tooth filling should be done as soon as possible to restore your tooth and avoid more extensive treatments in the future.

Why We Use Composite Resin Instead Of Metal

Materials such as amalgam (silver), gold, and composite resin can be used for this purpose. We use composite resin because it is lifelike and can be easily bonded to many surfaces, meaning less of your tooth will need to be removed before adding it. In addition to these benefits, this lifelike resin is also safer than silver that was used in the past. When you come in for your filling, the area may be numbed for your comfort. Then, the damaged part of your tooth will be removed before adding the new material. The composite resin will be closely matched with the shade of your pearly whites so that it does not stand out against your smile.

Treating Multiple Oral Health Concerns At Once

You can include this restoration in a full-mouth rehabilitation plan if you have several oral health concerns that need to be treated. Full-mouth rehabilitation is a customized treatment plan that can help restore your smile’s health and appearance. This may be helpful for patients experiencing multiple oral health problems at once, including tooth decay, broken teeth, misalignment, TMJ, and more. Your dentist will perform a thorough examination of your smile to determine what restorations you may need. Instead of coming in for multiple appointments to have these done, several can be planned for the same visit. After your oral health has been improved, cosmetic treatments can be done as well.

Talk To Your Dentist About This Restoration

If you have a cavity, don’t put off this treatment. Schedule an appointment with Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, today by calling 307-672-7567.