A Non-Invasive Way To Treat TMJ Disorder

Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, offers treatment for TMJ

Your dentist can help with more than cavities and gum disease. If you frequently experience headaches, jaw pain, or sensitivity around your teeth, this could be a sign of TMJ disorder. Our temporomandibular joints help us open and close our mouth and assist with many other functions. TMJ dysfunction can disrupt these functions and harm your oral health. Your team at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, uses advanced diagnostic techniques to help diagnose the problem and relieve your discomfort.

Common Warning Signs Of This Problem

This jaw dysfunction may be caused by misalignment, malocclusion, jaw injuries, genetics, or other factors. You may not be aware that you have TMD because the symptoms may be shrugged off or seem harmless. If you experience headaches or chronic migraines, a popping sound when you open your mouth, sensitive teeth, or other discomfort around your face, these could be signs of the disorder. You should mention these symptoms to your dentist at your next checkup. They may be able to combine these side effects with other physical indicators to diagnose the problem. Many patients with TMD also have bruxism, which is a condition where patients chronically grind their teeth together. While this is not a direct cause of the disorder, the pressure from clenching your teeth together can worsen the symptoms over time. These conditions are concerning for dental patients because it can cause changes in your smile’s function, may worsen misalignment, and can cause several other oral health problems.

Help With A Custom Oral Appliance

Your dentist can use the symptoms you experience, and other signs seen during your biannual examination to diagnose the problem. After creating your diagnosis, they will be able to create an appropriate treatment plan for your needs. In most cases, you can treat this condition without the need for surgery or invasive procedures. An oral appliance can be created to help relieve your symptoms. This appliance will be crafted based on your precise measurements. You will wear this every night when you sleep to help balance the pressure placed on your jaw.

If you have several oral health concerns that need to be addressed, this treatment may be included in a full-mouth rehabilitation plan. An FMR plan can target multiple concerns at once, including TMD problems, cosmetic concerns, and other restorations. Your FMR plan will be tailored to your specific oral health needs. For example, an oral appliance can be made for you to help alleviate symptoms of TMJ, dental fillings can be done to treat cavities, and Invisalign can be used to align your smile.

Learn More About Your Treatment Options

We can help relieve discomfort caused by TMJ dysfunction. To schedule an appointment with our team, call Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, today at 307-672-7567.

filed under: TMJ