Discover The Benefits Of Invisalign

Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, offers Invisalign

Having a properly aligned smile can improve your oral health, protect your teeth from injury, and boost your confidence. While there are several advantages of this, the idea of going through traditional orthodontic treatment may not be ideal for all patients. Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, offers Invisalign which offers a less visible method that patients can feel comfortable and confident in. In today’s blog, we’ll explore the benefits of this cosmetic treatment.

The Clear Aligners Are Virtually Invisible

One of the most obvious advantages of the Invisalign option is that the clear trays are virtually invisible to others. This may be beneficial for teens and adult patients seeking orthodontic care. You can feel confident in your smile and don’t have to worry about the appearance of metal braces. Before starting this treatment, your dentist will take an impression of your smile to create your custom trays. These will come in a series that you will change every few weeks as instructed by your dentist. Gradually, your teeth will be moved into the correct position and will become properly aligned. You may be able to include this in your full-mouth rehabilitation plan if you have several concerns with your smile.

You Can Remove The Trays During Meals

When you wear traditional braces, you may have to avoid certain foods so that you do not damage a bracket or wire. With Invisalign, you will remove your aligners before meals and drinks. This allows you to continue eating your favorite snacks without worrying about damaging the appliance. You should wear your aligners for the majority of the day, including while you sleep. The only time you should remove them is during meals and for your oral hygiene routine. Your dentist can show you how to properly clean them and store them when you are not wearing them. It’s important that you wear them for the majority of the day, so the system works properly. Forgetting your Invisalign or taking them out too often can result in a longer treatment time.

Feel Confident Throughout Treatment

With Invisalign, you can feel confident during your treatment and after. You don’t have to worry about pesky braces interrupting your smile or making you appear younger. Many adults put off orthodontic care because they have special events that will take place during treatment, or they don’t want to feel unprofessional. Invisalign is undetectable by others, and you won’t have to worry about them standing out. When you are done with the alignment process, you will have a straight smile that you can feel confident in. This can improve first-impressions, make you look and feel healthier, and may even improve your long-term oral health.

Learn More About Your Alignment Options!

You may be able to straighten your teeth without pesky braces. Call Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, at 307-672-7567 to schedule a consultation.