Recently, we discussed professional teeth whitening that can erase stains on your enamel. This cosmetic service is a great option for patients who want a brighter and more vibrant smile. If your teeth do not respond to this option, or you need to conceal other blemishes, Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, also offers cosmetic bonding. This method offers a conservative approach to correcting imperfections on your pearly whites. In today’s blog, we’ll discuss how this process works and how it compares to other methods.
Stubborn Blemishes, Minor Damage, And More
Bonding is a conservative cosmetic treatment that can address a variety of problems. Patients with intrinsic discoloration, blemishes, surface-level cracks or chips, and other imperfections may benefit from this method. After examining your smile to determine if this is a good option for your needs, composite resin will be added to the problem area. This material is natural looking and also highly durable. It can easily be bonded to many surfaces, making it a great option for cosmetic and restorative needs. If you have had a dental filling done in recent years, it’s likely that it was done with composite resin.
Composite Resin Creates A Natural Appearance
Composite resin is a biocompatible material that can be colored to match the natural appearance of your smile. This allows it to naturally blend in and create a seamless finish. Many patients may prefer this method over porcelain veneers because it is a more conservative approach. Instead of covering your teeth with a porcelain tooth-shaped shell, only the specific blemishes will be covered with resin. The process can also be completed in a single appointment, whereas it can take several weeks to complete the process of veneers. Bonding may be a good option for patients who want to improve their smiles in less time, while also having long-lasting results.
How It Compares To Whitening And Veneers
As mentioned earlier, bonding is a more conservative approach to cosmetic dentistry than options like porcelain veneers. When it comes to correcting your smile, there is no one-size-fits-all option, so you can pick the method that works best for your needs. Some patients may prefer the benefits that veneers bring. Professional whitening is another popular option patients may be interested in. This can be done at home or in our office. A bleaching agent is used to break down stains on your enamel. While this method is effective for many people, some types of discoloration cannot be broken down with this treatment. If your teeth do not respond to whitening, bonding may be a good alternative option.
Talk To Our Team About Your Cosmetic Options
We can help you feel confident in your smile’s appearance! To schedule an appointment with Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, today at 307-672-7567.