Keep Your Smile Strong With Implants

Sheridan, WY, dentist offers dental implants

In a recent blog, we discussed how dental bridges could help address gaps in your smile. When you lose a tooth, it’s important to replace it as soon as possible. Ignoring even a single lost tooth can lead to difficulty chewing, speaking, and changes in your appearance. Dental bridges are not the only way to replace your missing teeth. Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, also offers dental implants that can mimic your lost pearly whites.

How Bridges And Implants Compare

Dental bridges can be used to fill a gap if you have lost up to three teeth in the same row. This is a fixed prosthetic, meaning you will not need to remove it to care for or clean. It is supported by crowns on the surrounding teeth. This option can replace your lost teeth and improve your smile’s function. However, it does not recreate the lost root of your tooth. This part of your dental structure supports your jaw and can help maintain your facial structure. Dental implants can mimic the entire lost structure, including the root and crown. A post is inserted into your jaw to create a sturdy base that can support your jaw. Like a bridge, this can give you a complete grin while also preserving your face and other remaining teeth.

Include This In A Full-Mouth Rehabilitation Plan

A full-mouth rehabilitation plan could help completely makeover your smile’s health and appearance. If you are experiencing several concerns with your teeth and gums, an FMR plan could help restore your oral health. Your dentist will examine your oral cavity and create a plan that is customized to your needs. This could include treating cavities with fillings, replacing missing teeth, and addressing cosmetic concerns with veneers or other treatments. An FMR plan could help restore your smile in fewer appointments.

Avoiding Tooth Loss

There are some circumstances, like injuries and accidents, where a knocked-out tooth cannot always be prevented. However, there are a few ways to protect your smile from loss. First, make sure to practice proper care at home. Brushing and flossing can help prevent decay and gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss in severe cases. If you do have symptoms of periodontal disease, steps can be taken to manage your condition and avoid your gums from receding. You should see your dentist biannually for a checkup. These visits can help detect problems like gingivitis, bruxism, and other concerns that could damage your pearly whites. These preventive measures can reduce the chances of losing a tooth.

Schedule An Appointment Today

Dental implants can give you a complete smile again. To schedule an appointment with our team, call Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, today at 307-672-7567.