What Benefits Do Metal-Free Fillings Offer?

Sheridan, WY, dentist offers tooth-colored dental fillings When you have a cavity, your dentist will recommend getting it filled as soon as possible. This helps stop the progression of decay, relieve discomfort, and protect your tooth. If decay is left untreated, it can cause several problems for your smile. Your Grinnell Street Dental team offers tooth-colored materials to help make this restoration appear more natural and lifelike. Today, we’ll explore the advantages that this material offers over other options.

Dental Fillings Are A Simple Process

When you visit your dentist for a biannual checkup, they will examine your smile for signs of cavities, gum disease, and other concerns. If a cavity is spotted, they will schedule a restoration in a separate appointment to treat the issue. Before starting this process, the local area will be numbed so that you can feel comfortable. Then, the damaged part of your tooth will be gently drilled out. The space left behind will be cleaned before the material is added for the filling. The area may feel sensitive immediately following your appointment, but this should go away within a few days.

Metal-Free Material Is Safer And More Comfortable

Composite resin is the modern material used for dental fillings today. This option can be shade-matched to the color of your tooth, appears lifelike, can be easily bonded to many areas, and may be more comfortable than other options. We use this material instead of silver or gold fillings because of the many advantages it offers. In addition to being used for restorations, composite resin can also be used for cosmetic treatments. Patients who have blemishes or spots on their teeth that cannot be removed with a professional whitening service may benefit from cosmetic bonding. The material will be bonded to the imperfect area to disguise it and leave you with an even-appearing smile. Composite resin is durable and can last for many years with proper care.

If You Do Not Get A Filling Done

It’s important that if a cavity is detected, it is treated as soon as possible. You may be able to wait a few days to book your appointment, but this should not be put off any longer. Ignoring tooth decay will allow it to worsen and continue eroding the layers of your tooth. Eventually, it can wear down your dentin and then enter the pulp. This can cause serious discomfort and sensitivity, which can make it difficult to chew and speak. When this happens, a root canal treatment may be necessary. This is more invasive than a simple filling because the pulp of your tooth will need to be reached.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Team

Don’t put off treatment for a cavity. To schedule an appointment with Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, call us at (307) 672-7567