How Our Laser Technology Can Treat Cold Sores


Sheridan, WY, dentist offers laser treatment for cold sores

Fever blisters are small lesions that can pop up around your lips. If you have experienced one before, you know how itchy and uncomfortable it can be. Some store-bought products may help relieve your symptoms in the short term, but they cannot get rid of the blister. Your Grinnell Street Dental team in Sheridan, WY, offers laser treatment that can target this problem and reduce the chances of one developing in the same area.

A Minimally Invasive Approach

Cold sores are caused by the HSV-1 virus, which nearly half of all people have already. Unfortunately, this is easily transmitted and there is no permanent cure for it. Laser treatment can help relieve the symptoms that develop when a blister erupts, and it can also prevent the sore from developing in the same area. When you come in for this treatment, a specially calibrated laser will be used to break down the problem spot and encourage the growth of new cells in the area. In some cases, you may be able to have the spot targeted before the lesion fully erupts. This treatment only takes a few minutes and can save you the stress associated with cold sores.

Include This With An FMR Plan

Laser therapy can typically be completed in a short amount of time. To make the most of your appointment, you may be able to schedule this treatment with others as well. If you are experiencing many different dental concerns, your dentist may be able to create a full-mouth rehabilitation plan. They will examine your oral cavity and assess what areas need to be restored. This can include several treatments, from restorations to cosmetic improvements. It is important that your teeth and gums are healthy first, so restorative work is completed before visual changes can be made. After your smile has been brought to good health, cosmetic improvements can be made.

Prevent The Spread Of This Virus

As mentioned earlier, the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is very common and found in nearly half of all people. HSV-1 is not life-threatening, but it can be inconvenient and can cause some uncomfortable side effects when a blister erupts. Some patients may be asymptomatic for the majority of their lives, while others may experience cold-like symptoms when a sore develops. To reduce the chances of spreading this to others, or having it passed to you, there are some precautions you can take. Make sure to avoid direct contact with others who currently have a blister and seek treatment if you do notice signs of a sore.

Don’t Let A Cold Sore Disrupt Your Day

To schedule an appointment with Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, call us at (307) 672-7567. We offer treatments for fever, blisters and more!