Can Invisalign Correct Your Smile Concerns?

Sheridan, WY, dentist offers invisalign

Your Grinnell Street Dental team in Sheridan, WY, offers several cosmetic treatments that can address a variety of concerns you may have with your appearance. For instance, a professional whitening treatment can remove stains and leave you with brighter pearly whites, or porcelain veneers can disguise the appearance of blemishes. We may also be able to help discreetly straighten your teeth with the help of Invisalign. If you are interested in this orthodontic method, read today’s blog to learn its many benefits.

What Issues Can Be Addressed With This Method?

In general, Invisalign treatment can correct many of the same issues that traditional orthodontic methods (like braces) can fix. If you have spaces between your teeth, overcrowding, or bite problems, this method can help correct them without metal braces interrupting your appearance. This option is usually reserved for older teenage or adult patients because you will need to be responsible enough to wear your trays for the correct amount of time each day. Your dentist will examine your oral cavity during a consultation to determine if this is a good option for your needs. If you have more serious misalignment concerns, alternative methods may be recommended instead.

The Benefits Of Discreet Treatment

This method may offer several advantages over other cosmetic treatments. First, Invisalign corrects the alignment of your smile. Minor gaps can be hidden with the help of bonding or veneers. However, this does not address the root of the problem. With this method, your spacing is corrected which can improve your dental hygiene, speech problems, and more. When you have gaps or overlapping teeth, it can be difficult to thoroughly clean on and around your dental structures. If they are properly adjusted, you can more easily floss and brush. As a result, your chances of developing cavities and gum disease can be reduced. Another helpful benefit of this method is that it is virtually invisible. Others will not be able to tell you are wearing these clear trays as you go through treatment. This is great for adults who want to improve their appearance.

Wearing Your Trays

Your dentist will take an impression of your oral cavity to create the trays. They can give you specific instructions on wearing and caring for them. You will need to wear them for the majority of the day, taking them out only during meals and your oral hygiene routine. Each set is worn for about two weeks at a time. Then, you will move on to the next set. This treatment can take about one to two years to complete, depending on the severity of your needs.

Get Started Today

To begin your alignment treatment, call Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, today at 307-672-7567.