Replace Missing Teeth And Protect Your Smile With Implants

Sheridan, WY, dentist offers implants

In a recent blog, we discussed dental bridges. This is a prosthetic option that can fill the space in your smile for several teeth in a row. If you are experiencing tooth loss, it is important to replace them as soon as possible. This can be achieved in a variety of ways. Along with dental bridges, Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, also offers implants. This is a permanent prosthetic that replaces the entire structure of a missing tooth.

Gaps In Your Smile Impact More Than Your Appearance

A main concern you may have when you are missing teeth is how it affects your smile. This is one of our most prominent features, and having gaps in it may cause a decrease in your self-esteem. It can also affect your ability to chew and speak depending on where the loss has occurred. For instance, if a front tooth has come out, it may make it difficult to pronounce certain words. If you have lost a molar, you may not be able to eat certain foods. Patients dealing with tooth loss may be at risk of losing more over time if the one that has come out is not replaced in time.

How Implants Compare To Bridges

Bridges can replace up to four teeth in a row. This type of prosthetic is permanent and is held in place by the surrounding teeth. It will look lifelike and can complete your smile again. While this is a great option, it only replaces the visible part of your missing dental structure. To replace the entire structure, the root needs to be replaced as well. Dental implants can mimic the root by adding a post into the jawbone. The post will naturally fuse to the bone, which creates a sturdy base for the crown to be added on top. With this extra step, the jaw and gumline are also supported so that they are not weakened over time.

What To Expect From This Process

Before you can receive your implants, you will need a consultation with your dentist. Your teeth, gums, and jaw must be healthy enough to withstand the pressure from the post that will be inserted. The process will take several appointments over the span of a few months. After the consultation, your surgery to implant the post will be scheduled. Then there will be a resting period as the post fuses to the jaw. Once this is completed, the abutment pieces and crown can finally be placed. Implants are highly durable and long lasting, so you can enjoy a complete smile for many years.

Talk To Our Team Today

If you are missing one or more teeth, Call Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, at 307-672-7567 today to learn more about your replacement options.