Invisalign® Provides Cosmetic Orthodontic Treatment

sheridan invisalign

When you think about cosmetic dentistry, you probably envision treatment for stained or misshapen teeth. But what about misalignment? For people with uneven teeth, we could offer a cosmetic approach that offers esthetic benefits over traditional braces. In today’s blog, your Sheridan, WY, dentist issues how we correct uneven smiles with Invisalign®.

The Need for Orthodontics

Dental misalignment refers to crooked, crowded, or overlapping teeth, which not only impacts the beauty of your smile, but could also lead to serious oral health concerns. For example, the uneven nature of your smile could make it difficult for you to brush and floss properly, allowing cavities and even gum disease to develop. The pressure on your jaw joints from bite imbalance could lead to TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding) too. You may also feel embarrassed in social interactions and hide your smile from the world. But with Invisalign®, we have a treatment option that shifts the teeth into proper position without the need for metal braces or aligners!

A Cosmetic Approach

Many teens and adults prefer Invisalign® because this system doesn’t require metal brackets or wires at all. Instead, we use a series of clear and cozy aligners custom-made for your smile to fit comfortably and offer treatment with precision. Each set is worn for 20 to 22 hours per day, over a period of about two weeks. After about two weeks, you move on to the next set in the series, as your smile is gradually and gently repositioned over a period of about a year to 28 months, depending on the extent of your misalignment. Each set is also removable, so you can take them out before you eat or before brushing and flossing your teeth, so you don’t have to alter what you eat, or work around metal orthodontics. You also have a shorter treatment time and the system requires fewer office visits as well.

Creating Your Custom Aligners

Each set will be custom-made for your smile. To do so, we will gather detailed digital images and measurements of your smile with advanced imaging systems, using them to create a 3D computer impression of your mouth. At a special lab, experts will use the images and measurements to design and craft a series of aligners from a BPA-free plastic material, one that is clear and designed to offer treatment with precision and accuracy. If you have any questions about starting the Invisalign® process, then reach out to our team today to get started!

Speak With Your Sheridan, WY Dentist About Our Cosmetic Orthodontics

At Grinnell Street Dental, we can help shift your uneven smile with clear and custom plastic aligners. To schedule an appointment for the Invisalign® system, reach out to Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY at 307-672-7567.