How To Choose Between Our Teeth Whitening Treatments

sheridan teeth whitening

Do you have stained teeth? You don’t have to hide your smile, or hope that store bought selections can offer improvement. Instead, we can offer smiles many shades brighter with professional teeth whitening. In today’s blog, your Sheridan, WY, dentist about how we approach teeth whitening.

Selecting the Best Option for You

How do we choose which option is the best option for removing your teeth stains? To start, we need to take a close look at your smile. During your visit, we will monitor your smile to assess the cause and extent of your teeth stains. Discoloration could be brought on by the foods and drinks we consume, the use of tobacco products, and lack of proper oral hygiene habits. These are known as extrinsic stains. Intrinsic stains occur beneath the enamel, and could be caused by injury, the use of certain medications, and fluorosis. If you happen to have discoloration too severe to be addressed with teeth whitening, then we could still offer a brighter smile, masking them with dental bonding and/or porcelain veneers.

Our In-Office Procedure

With our in-office teeth whitening procedure can provide results in one sitting, so you leave with a significantly brighter smile in as little as one hour. The procedure is simple, we will place a protective covering on your lips and gums, and then apply a powerful bleaching gel to the teeth. We then activate the gel with a light, which breaks up and removes your discoloration. If you need results quickly, before a first date, job interview, or special event, then this could be the right option for you!

At-Home Stain Removal

We also have an option you can use to whiten your teeth at homer. This can tackle more severe discoloration and also limits tooth sensitivity too. You stop by the office just long enough for us to create a set of plastic trays, custom-fitted for your smile. We send the trays and several plastic syringes of bleaching gel home with you. At home, you fill the trays with gel and wear them for a set amount of time, usually an hour a day. The treatment takes one to two weeks, and could brighten your smile by multiple shades. The trays ensure the results are even across your smile. You then keep the trays and any remaining gel for touch-ups in the months to come!

If you have any questions about teeth whitening, then contact our team today to learn more.

Speak With Your Sheridan, WY Dentist About Professional Teeth Whitening

We would love to help you enjoy a brighter smile, sometimes in as little as one visit. To find out how we remove your teeth stains, then reach out to Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY at 307-672-7567.