What Causes Teeth Stains?

sheridan teeth stains

Why do our teeth become discolored with time? A number of factors could stain your teeth, and we want to help you learn about them. With this information, you can take steps to keep your smile bright and healthy. In today’s blog, your Sheridan, WY, dentist talks about how to fight stains and enjoy brighter smiles.

The Factors Behind Teeth Stains

For many, plaque buildup could make stains more visible. Plaque is caused by a diet high in sugar and starch. Harmful bacteria break down these particles, and in the process, creates bacterial buildup that coats the teeth. Drinks with dark pigments could discolor your smile too, such as red wine, coffee, soda, and tea. The use of tobacco products could also discolor your smile, and increase your risk of oral cancer. As you can see, discoloration forms over time due to our habits and meal options. But you can make choices to limit the severity of stained teeth!

Keeping Teeth Bright

First, try to cut back on beverages with dark pigments and instead drink more water, which cleanses the smile and is free of harmful sugars and acids. Be sure to eat healthy snacks too, and avoid items high in sugar and starch. If you smoke or use other tobacco products, try to quit immediately. You also help with daily oral hygiene habits, such as brush for two minutes twice a day, and floss every evening. A professional dental cleaning every few months allows us to remove harmful buildup and polish the smile too. These actions can help your smile stay brighter for longer periods.

Teeth Whitening and More

How do you remove the buildup currently plaguing your smile? Well, we can help with teeth whitening. We will choose the right option for you, offering results that are far more dramatic than over-the-counter options, and last longer too. If you have permanent discoloration, the kind that may resist teeth whitening, we could simply mask these discolorations with porcelain veneers or dental bonding, or combination of the two. Whether you have traditional discoloration or permanent stains, our team can bring relief with cosmetic dentistry, so you can smile with confidence again.

If you have any questions about teeth whitening, or about any of our other cosmetic treatments, then give us a call. Better yet, schedule a consultation so we can see which option is right for you, and help you achieve a brighter smile that lasts all summer long!

Speak With Your Sheridan, WY Dentist About Cosmetic Dentistry

We want to make sure you always feel proud to show off your smile. To find out how we brighten your teeth, then reach out to Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY at 307-672-7567.