Fixing An Unbalanced Smile With Invisalign

clear alignersPoorly aligned teeth can give your smile an awkward, unbalanced look. That lack of symmetry can leave you with a lack of confidence in your appearance. So why would someone with this problem delay treatment? Many worry that in order to correct gaps, overlaps, and other issues, they will need to wear metal braces for an extended period of time. What you can learn by talking to your Sheridan, WY dentist is that another option is available. Our practice can provide you with a custom set of Invisalign aligners that gradually move your teeth into their appropriate spaces. In doing so, they will help you feel more comfortable with your appearance while also offering oral health improvements!

Poor Spacing Between Teeth Can Make Your Smile Less Attractive

If you have issues with your teeth spacing, you can find yourself embarrassed by smile flaws such as gaps and overlaps that hurt your appearance. You can also feel unhappy with the way you look because you have a lack of symmetry in your smile, something that can detract from your overall appearance. Spacing issues make many people self-conscious, but concerns around metal braces can lead to a postponement in treatment. If you look at alternative solutions, you can find that straightening your teeth can be easier and more discreet than you assumed, making a better smile easier to attain.

Using Invisalign Aligners To Improve The Way You Look

Invisalign aligners make successive movements of teeth possible without the need for a fixed and conspicuous appliance. Instead, you will rely on a series of clear aligners that are worn throughout the day to guide your smile. Each one is made with a clear material that lets them remain discreet. This can be a relief for those who are concerned with how braces would disrupt their social and professional standing. In addition to being hard to see, they are easy to remove, which means you can have them out of place whenever you eat or clean your teeth. After you finish wearing the last one in your set, you can enjoy showing off a smile that is straighter and more attractive! This can also help you fix problems with spacing that make certain teeth harder to clean effectively, and it can help you improve your bite function.

Exploring Other Cosmetic Treatment Options

There are times when spacing problems can be treated without orthodontic work. We can discuss the benefits of hiding small gaps or overlaps with porcelain veneers. These thin shells are carefully constructed to make improvements to tooth shape, size, condition, and color. With their placement, we can make your smile appear better aligned and generally more attractive, leading to a welcome confidence boost.

Talk To Your Sheridan, WY Dentist About Invisalign Treatment

Through the use of Invisalign aligners, we can help you show off a straighter and more attractive smile while minimizing the impact of treatment on your daily life. To learn more, reach out to Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY at 307-672-7567.