Expectations From Your TMJ Treatment

How much can you really expect from treatment to fix problems with your jaw alignment? When you have issues with poor joint alignment and movement, it can cause several types of discomfort. It can be the reason why you suffer from regular headaches, the cause of an issue with facial and jaw discomfort, and even the reason behind more frequent teeth grinding and clenching. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we can work with you to correct this problem through TMJ therapy and help you resolve these different issues. The sooner this work with your dentist starts, the sooner you can enjoy relief from this difficulty!

Are You Struggling With Jaw Pain On A Regular Basis?

When ordinary jaw movements start to cause you discomfort, it can be an understandable cause for concern. After all, these basic motions occur throughout the day whenever we bite, chew, and speak, which means you can experience frequent problems with pain. Those who struggle with this issue can also have problems with facial pain, neck and shoulder discomfort, and even problems with recurring headaches. There are also concerns that uneven bite movements and associated problems with teeth grinding can wear down your enamel and create new dental issues.

Beginning TMJ Therapy Can Help You Take On Alignment Issues That Negatively Impact Your Well-Being

The beginning of your TMJ therapy can mean the start of work that corrects an imbalance in your jaw movement that reduces discomfort and improves your quality of life. With a custom guard, we can help you condition your lower jaw so that pressure is reduced on the joints and muscles. This can mean relief from headaches, more comfortable jaw movements, and a general improvement in your quality of life.

Treating Oral Health Issues In Order To Improve Your Bite Alignment And Movement

While there are different reasons why people start to have problems with their bite movement, one concern is that your movements have changed because of an issue with your dental health. Are you having trouble putting pressure on a certain tooth or teeth? If you are, it can be beneficial to undergo restorative treatment. Dental crowns can provide functional support and also provide cosmetic benefits. Our practice relies on technology that enables us to have custom crowns ready in just a single visit.

Talk To Your Sheridan, WY Dentist About Beginning Your TMJ Treatment

When you begin TMJ therapy, you can start work to correct an alignment issue that results in jaw pain and stiffness, problems with headaches, and difficulties with teeth grinding and clenching. Our practice is happy to help you take on this issue as well as any that might be connected to it. For more information on how we can support you, please reach out to Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY at 307-672-7567.

filed under: TMJ