Lasting Treatment Solutions For Tooth Loss

Once you lose a tooth, it can feel as if your smile and oral health will be changed forever. This is certainly a serious problem, one that can create worsening issues over time if it is not dealt with. However, it is not an issue that you are helpless against, as the right prosthetic appliance can offer many benefits! At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we can recommend that you use either a dental bridge or dental implant-held restoration to close the gap in your smile left by tooth loss. Through the use of these appliances, we can give you back important bite support and improve your smile. With an implant, we can even preserve the health of your jawbone, which can lose mass over time after losing out on stimulation from lost teeth roots.

Are You Tired Of Letting Tooth Loss Impact Your Life?

The longer you go without replacing a lost tooth, or lost teeth, the more your incomplete smile can affect you. Beyond simply robbing you of confidence in the way you look, this is a problem that can negatively affect your bite function, and one that can actually make you more likely to lose additional teeth. The good news is that the problems with tooth loss affecting you can be addressed through the placement of a permanent restoration. A dental bridge is capable of preserving your smile and appearance, and it can be placed without oral surgery. A dental implant offers stability and cosmetic benefits as it holds your permanent restoration, and it can help preserve the health of your jawbone.

Using A Dental Bridge To Close The Gap In Your Smile

We can place a custom dental bridge to close a smile gap permanently, and we can do so without the need to perform oral surgery. The appliance is supported with a pair of dental crowns that are put on the teeth surrounding the gap where your lost tooth once resided. It will be custom-made so that it fits in with your smile, so it can provide welcome cosmetic benefits. It can also prove stable enough to absorb bite support.

Why Patients Ask About Implant Dentistry

If you are interested in preserving your dental health, protecting your jawbone against deterioration, and stabilizing neighboring teeth roots, we can discuss implant dentistry. An implant is carefully placed in your jawbone, where it will take up the space that previously housed your lost tooth’s roots. With the stability provided in this arrangement, you can hold a replacement tooth and also help stop neighboring roots from shifting.

Talk To Your Sheridan, WY Dentist About Treating Tooth Loss

By dealing with tooth loss, you can put a stop to issues with your appearance and oral health that can rob you of confidence and cause lingering discomfort. If you would like to learn more, please call Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY at 307-672-7567.