Working Out A Treatment Plan For Multiple Cavities

How likely are you to discover that you have several cavities that have to be treated? If you did have a problem with your oral health, how can you miss the signs until several concerns have developed? You may not feel discomfort when a cavity first forms, so the problem can develop and worsen without your realizing that something is amiss. If you are not attending routine dental exams, and your oral hygiene routine is less than optimal, it is possible for more than one cavity to affect you at one time. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we can work with you to plan the restoration of multiple teeth affected by decay. In addition to addressing multiple cavities, we have experience caring for people with multiple oral health concerns during a full-mouth rehabilitation.

A Long Break From Dental Care Can Lead To Smile Troubles

If you have taken a break from attending regular dental exams, you lose information regarding the condition of your teeth. This can lead to trouble because over time, several issues can develop and affect your oral health and general dental function. As a result, you may find yourself in the dentist’s office to discuss one aching tooth, only to learn you have several teeth that require care.

Making Plans To Address All Of Your Issues With Tooth Decay

When your dentist provides an evaluation of your smile, they can give you detailed information on the health of your teeth, and any issues that call for care. When working out a plan to address multiple cavities, we can talk to you about the condition of each tooth, and the recommended treatment. A more severe cavity can require a dental crown, which fully covers the tooth. If decay is caught in its earlier stages, we can provide a dental filling to restore it. Tooth decay grows progressively worse over time, so we can talk to you about dealing with the most serious issues before addressing newer cavities.

Tips For Avoiding Cavities In The Future

If you want to avoid future cavities, attending regular dental exams can be beneficial to you. Your visits include professional teeth cleanings that help you by removing tartar buildup – tartar is something that your brushing and flossing leave behind. You can also help yourself by spending more time on brushing and flossing, and paying attention to the movements you use to clean your teeth. People who feel confident in their oral care routines are sometimes surprised to realize how they have become guilty of neglecting certain hard-to-reach areas.

Grinnell Street Dental Is Ready To Help You Fully Restore Your Smile Health

At Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, patients who have multiple cavities can count on our support to fully address the different issues that affect them. To learn more about Grinnell Street Dental, or to book an appointment with one of our dentist, you can contact our Sheridan, WY, dental office today at (307) 672-7567.