Sheridan Dentists’ Guide to Cavity Prevention & Treatment

pretty woman with thumbs up smileDo you know the best way to treat a cavity? Technically, there are a few choices that can effectively treat tooth decay and repair your tooth from the damage of cavities, depending on the severity your condition. However, preventing tooth decay in the first place, or treating it early enough to prevent cavities, is the best way to protect your smile. Your Sheridan dentists explain the tenets of effective cavity prevention, as well as how to successfully treat cavities should your preventive measures fail.

Preventing Cavities

Tooth decay is a progressive disease, and though you may not notice it yourself until cavities form and toothaches occur, the process begins long before then. The protective layer around your teeth, called enamel, is your body’s strongest and most mineralized substance. Some oral bacteria, which form dental plaque and adhere to your tooth enamel, consume sugars and carbs from your meals and convert them into acid, which the bacteria excrete onto your tooth enamel. The acid weakens your enamel and depletes minerals from your teeth that enamel requires to regain strength. In time, enamel will break down and allow bacteria access to your tooth. Brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day helps control bacteria and the acid they produce, reducing your risk of enamel erosion and tooth decay. For more effective prevention, attend a dental checkup and cleaning at least once every six months so Dr. Coon can thoroughly examine your teeth for signs of enamel erosion. If your enamel is in trouble, professional intervention and an improved dental hygiene routine can help reinforce your tooth’s protection against acid erosion.

Treating Cavities

Though most people know the tenets of good oral hygiene well, many might not realize that their teeth are in trouble until enamel is compromised and the tooth is already decaying, which can cause your tooth to become extremely sensitive to pressure, hot and cold temperatures, and/or sweet foods and drinks. To treat decay and the holes it forms in your teeth (called cavities), Dr. Coon will remove the infected tooth structure and thoroughly clean your tooth of lingering bacteria and decay. A white filling can then be placed to reinforce your tooth and seal it against further bacterial invasion. If decay reaches the nerves and blood vessels at the center of your tooth (called the pulp), then a root canal treatment may be required to stop the infection and save the tooth from destruction.

Protect Your Mouth from Cavity Damage with Help from Your Sheridan Dentists

To learn more about how to treat or prevent cavities, schedule a consultation with your Sheridan dentist by contacting Grinnell Street Dental at (307) 672-7567. Located in the 82801 are, we welcome patients from Sheridan, WY and all surrounding communities.