Category: Porcelain Veneers

The Crazy World of Craze Lines

Are you familiar with a dental condition called craze lines? They can literally drive patients crazy when small fractures in tooth enamel develop and become stained. When craze lines develop on the front teeth they can create the appearance of vertical lines that will likely be visible to others when you talk and smile. Many… Read more »

Porcelain Veneers—A New Face for Your Smile in Sheridan

Your smile is one of the most dominant features of your face. It plays an important role in first impressions, and can significantly impact your self-confidence, for better or worse. Luckily, like other aspects of your appearance, you can tweak your smile’s visage to improve its aesthetic value and your pride in showing it. When… Read more »

Oral Hygiene Tips from Your Sheridan, WY Dentists

Maintaining a healthy mouth is essential to staying healthy in general. Periodontal (gum) disease has been associated with serious systemic illnesses, including heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease. Your Sheridan dentists at Grinnell Street Dental understand that your risk factors for many illnesses can be significantly lowered with proper oral health care. Review the following… Read more »

Little Known Facts about Porcelain Veneers

Veneers Started in Hollywood The first porcelain veneers were made in the early 1900’s. They were typically used for actors in Hollywood who needed to change the appearance of their smile. These veneers were temporary and would fall off in a matter of days. Now, porcelain veneers can last for decades with thorough oral hygiene…. Read more »