What kind of restoration will it take to improve the look of your flawed or damaged tooth? You might be surprised at how much your appearance can actually be changed by a conservative amount of work on your tooth structure. At our Sheridan, WY dental practice, we can provide noticeable cosmetic improvements by taking care of a flawed tooth with a dental bonding treatment. During a bonding procedure, your dentist will carefully apply a composite resin material to the surface of a tooth that appears unsightly. This material can make the tooth look brighter, it can hide damages, and it can even improve its shape and size!
Dental Bonding Can Make Significant Improvements Through Conservative Changes To Your Tooth Structure
Dental bonding procedures can make big changes possible while doing relatively little to modify your actual tooth structure. Instead of crafting a custom restoration for your tooth, composite resin – the material used for your dental fillings – is applied to its surface. That material can bond directly to your enamel to deliver changes that last.
How Dental Bonding Leads To A Better Smile
When is a bonding procedure beneficial? There are several instances where this cosmetic dental treatment can be helpful for a person. You can make a tooth that has been injured look whiter, and cover up any chips or cracks it has experienced. You can also use a bonding procedure to add size to a tooth that seems smaller than its neighbors, or to close a gap between teeth. This procedure is remarkably versatile, as it can effectively transform the appearance of your tooth.
Exploring All Of Your Options For Cosmetic Treatment
While porcelain veneers are restorations that must be permanently placed, they can offer significant improvements that you can count on to be long-lasting. Veneers are affixed to the front of a tooth, and they make it possible to address a wide range of flaws. For a tooth that needs more support, you can talk about restoring it with a dental crown. In addition to improving the way a tooth looks, a custom crown can also provide better bite support. At our practice, we use CEREC technology to make these restorations available after just one appointment, so you can walk out with a permanent crown in just a single day!
Talk To Grinnell Street Dental About Dental Bonding Work
At Grinnell Street Dental, patients who want to do work to restore their smile can learn that bonding procedures offer great results with minimal changes! If you are interested in this procedure, or have any questions about the additional services we offer that can help improve the way you look, let us know. To find out more about Grinnell Street Dental, or to make an appointment with one of our doctors, contact our Sheridan, WY, dental office today at (307) 672-7567.