Frequently Asked Questions about Nitrous Oxide

Smiling and RelaxedWould you believe that roughly 40 million people in America avoid going to the dentist because of severe anxiety over the prospect? If you are one of the many folks who battle extreme fears regarding dental appointments, a good solution is finding a dental team who understands your needs. Once you find a dentist you can trust, you are likely to completely turn around your relationship with maintaining your oral health. However, stepping your foot in Sheridan dentist, Dr. Donald Coon’s office may seem easier said than done if you are truly phobic about dental visits. Something which might help a great deal is a little bit of light sedation in the form of nitrous oxide.

Nitrous Oxide FAQS

Q1. Why is nitrous oxide known as “laughing gas?”
A1.  Nitrous oxide is commonly referred to as “laughing gas,” yet very few people really laugh in dental offices under the influence of the compound. A colorless non-flammable gas with a slightly sweet taste and odor, the euphoric effects of inhaling nitrous oxide are more commonly described as very pleasant, extreme relaxation.
Q2. How is nitrous administered in a dental setting?
A2. Administration of the gas is as simple as breathing a small amount of the compound into your lungs. Dr. Coon will place a mask over your nose. The relaxing effects will sweep over you almost immediately, and wear off just as quickly when your dental work is complete.
Q3. Are there alternatives to laughing gas for nervous patients?
A3. Certainly. There are multiple sedation options of varying levels of strength, but side effects, drug interactions, and allergies are worth considering. Sometimes, it’s just a bad experience from a dental office that made no effort which is at the bottom of someone’s fears. Many of us will find our anxieties dissipate with a nice group of people making us feel taken care of. Communicate what you require, and Dr. Coon and the rest of our Grinnell Street Dental team will go above and beyond to make sure you feel comfortable.

Visit your Sheridan Cosmetic Dentist

To find out more about sedation dentistry options, contact Grinnell Street Dental, located in Sheridan, Wyoming, at (307) 672-7567 or visit us online at