Month: June 2024

Metal-Free Fillings Blend In With Your Smile

Cavities are one of the most frequently treated concerns for dental patients. Preventive measures like checkups and a good oral hygiene routine can decrease your chances of decay, but you will likely have a cavity at least once in your life. When you come in for treatment, we use a lifelike restoration that matches the… Read more »

A Non-Invasive Way To Treat TMJ Disorder

Your dentist can help with more than cavities and gum disease. If you frequently experience headaches, jaw pain, or sensitivity around your teeth, this could be a sign of TMJ disorder. Our temporomandibular joints help us open and close our mouth and assist with many other functions. TMJ dysfunction can disrupt these functions and harm… Read more »

Your Dentist Can Help Address Cold Sores

  Cold sores, also known as fever blisters, are small blisters that can appear around your lip. They are spread by the HSV-1 virus and can cause an itchy sensation around the spot. These sores can be irritating and may be hard to get rid of on your own. Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY,… Read more »

Discover The Benefits Of Invisalign

Having a properly aligned smile can improve your oral health, protect your teeth from injury, and boost your confidence. While there are several advantages of this, the idea of going through traditional orthodontic treatment may not be ideal for all patients. Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, offers Invisalign which offers a less visible method… Read more »

Should You Get Porcelain Veneers?

If you wish you could change the appearance of your smile, you are not alone. Many patients are dissatisfied with their pearly whites or another aspect of their appearance. Some patients may be unsatisfied with discoloration or stains on their teeth, others may want to straighten their smile, and some people may have several concerns… Read more »

Boost Your Smile’s Appearance With Lifelike Composite Resin

Recently, we discussed professional teeth whitening that can erase stains on your enamel. This cosmetic service is a great option for patients who want a brighter and more vibrant smile. If your teeth do not respond to this option, or you need to conceal other blemishes, Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, also offers cosmetic… Read more »

Removing Plaque And Tartar With A Deep Clean

plaque and tartar sheridan wy

Over time, bacterial buildup can start to form in your mouth where your brushing and flossing is simply not getting the job done. Even if you spend enough time getting into all those hard-to-reach areas, you still need to see the dentist for a full removal of plaque and tartar, and sticking to your schedule… Read more »

Renewing Your Smile With A Dental Crown

renewing your smile sheridan wy

Nobody likes the thought of repairing a tooth, but sometimes it is a necessary part of life. Breaks can happen due to injury or decay, and one of the most important things to remember is that when you damage your teeth, talking to your dentist is a good idea. Renewing your smile after a break… Read more »

A Professional Teeth-Whitening Treatment Can Boost Your Confidence

With the summer season here, you may have several vacations, parties, and other special events coming up that you will want to look your best for. Stains on your pearly whites can make you feel self-conscious about your smile and can interrupt your exciting summer plans. Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, offers professional teeth-whitening… Read more »

How We Approach Complex Smile Concerns

If it’s been a while since your last dental checkup, it can be overwhelming to discover the many different treatment plans you may need. There may be concerns with your oral health, appearance, or a combination of many problems. Your Grinnell Street Dental team in Sheridan, WY, can make the restoration process more approachable with… Read more »