Using Invisalign To Deal With Poor Teeth Spacing

The way your teeth are spaced affects more than just your appearance. Poor alignment can certainly be a cosmetic concern. When there are noticeable gaps between teeth, or when you have teeth that overlap in awkward ways, you can have a difficult time smiling with real confidence. What you also need to be aware of is the impact that poor spacing can have on your bite function and oral health. Straightening your teeth can help you if you struggle with TMJ disorder because of a flawed bite. When you have teeth that overlap in awkward ways, fixing the problem can help you have an easier time preventing trouble with tartar buildup in harder to reach spaces. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we provide our patients with the option of Invisalign orthodontic treatment. By using Invisalign appliances instead of metal braces to correct smile flaws, you can have a less difficult time adjusting to your treatment and feel more comfortable with your smile throughout it!

How Spacing Problems Negatively Affect A Person’s Smile

Trouble with teeth spacing can leave you with teeth that noticeably overlap in awkward ways, or you can have gaps between teeth that attract unwanted attention. Depending on the severity of these problems, you can also have more concerns about the way you look because your smile seems to be asymmetrical.

Arranging Treatment With Invisalign

Invisalign appliances are custom-made for each patient so that they can fit properly and address the specific concerns you have about the way your teeth are spaced. To make sure your appliances are right for you, we will carefully measure your teeth and bite. After this information is used to make your custom appliances, you will receive your set of clear aligners, which will bring you closer by steps to your desired appearance. You should wear Invisalign appliances throughout the day to make sure you reach your expected end date for your adjustment. With that said, you are able to take these aligners off on your own, and you can do so to make eating and cleaning your teeth easier.

Hiding Spacing Flaws Through Cosmetic Treatment

Sometimes, it is possible to use other cosmetic dental procedures to cover up gaps and overlaps. We can evaluate your smile to see if porcelain veneers canhelp you, or if we can target specific issues with tooth bonding treatment. Both of these services can produce exciting changes in a shorter time, so you can have your more attractive and symmetrical smile sooner than you anticipated!

Talk To Your Sheridan, WY Dentist About Invisalign

Our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office is ready to help patients who feel self-conscious about the way that their teeth are spaced. To learn more about Invisalign, or to discuss any other services that appeal to you, please reach out to Grinnell Street Dental at 307-672-7567.