Is My Dental Filling Going To Stand Out When I Smile?

If you have any troubles with your oral health, you should discuss them with your dentist as soon as possible. The time you wait to schedule care can ultimately affect the way you are treated. A cavity that forms will start small, but eventually the damage can become serious enough to make tooth loss a possibility. However, if you act to have a cavity treated as soon as possible, you may find that you only need a dental filling to fully resolve your trouble with decay. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we are ready to take care of teeth affected by cavities with tooth-colored dental fillings. In addition to restoring your tooth’s health and giving it important support, this can preserve the way it looks!

Why Dental Decay Is Treated With Dental Fillings

Dental decay does irreversible harm to a tooth when it becomes severe enough to cause a cavity. Cavities require restorations like fillings and dental crowns because the tooth will remain damaged and vulnerable to infection without their protection. Our first approach will be one that involves a filling, as this restoration requires less preparatory work than a crown, and also occupies less space. When a filling is put in position, it will allow you to keep biting and chewing with your tooth, and it will provide you with protection against a buildup of bacteria in your enamel.

Receiving A Tooth-Colored Filling

A tooth-colored dental filling is made from biocompatible material that will bond directly to your enamel. Before being placed, we can make sure that the substance has been tinted to match the surrounding tooth structure to blend in effectively. Its biocompatible nature ensures that it will actually bond directly to your tooth and provide lasting support once it hardens.

Will You Need A Dental Crown For Your Cavity?

If a cavity grows large enough, it will do more damage than we can count on a dental filling to address. In this case, it will be necessary for us to use a dental crown to provide protection. A crown will completely cover your tooth above the gum line – while this means more preparatory work has to occur, it can provide lasting support that you can depend on. With the technology in our office, we can actually provide dental crowns that are ready to be placed the same day you come in to have your tooth restored!

Our Sheridan, WY Dentist’s Office Is Ready To Restore Your Tooth

At Grinnell Street Dental, patients who experience tooth decay and need treatment can be happy to learn that a conservative, tooth-colored restoration can be put in place to protect them from further troubles. If you have questions about our services, or if you have concerns about your oral health, please call our dentist’s office in Sheridan, WY at 307-672-7567.