What Really Happens When A Cavity Is Not Treated?

You know that your daily oral care regimen is important because it protects you against the formation of cavities. However, you may not be clear on what a cavity can really do to you, or why you are advised to seek treatment from your dentist as soon as possible when decay becomes a problem. What you should know is that a cavity will keep growing if it is not treated. Eventually, that growth will lead to trouble with advanced decay, which can leave you at risk of losing your tooth! At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we are prepared to help patients when they experience dental decay. What we can also do is keep you safe against a possible problem by regularly checking on the health of your enamel during routine dental reviews.

Cavities Continue To Grow Until They Are Treated

By brushing and flossing your teeth every day, you fight the buildup of bacteria and keep decay from causing permanent damage to your enamel. Preventive habits are useful at stopping problems from forming, but they will not stop a cavity once it has already developed. The only way to make sure decay is properly stopped and addressed at this point is to see your dentist. Until you do, the decay will worsen and make you vulnerable to oral health complications.

Your Tooth Can Be Restored With A Lifelike Filling Or Crown

In the event that you develop a cavity, we will be ready to treat your tooth with either a dental filling or dental crown. Both of these restorations are used to provide protection as well as cosmetic support. Dental fillings are used when possible, because they require fewer changes to your tooth structure. A tooth-colored filling provided at our office will bond to the tooth to keep the affected area safe from further problems. If a cavity is too large for a dental filling to be effective at protecting your tooth, you can have a dental crown put in place. The crown will cover the tooth and stop it from suffering any more damage. Because we have CEREC technology at our practice, we can actually have a crown made and placed in just one appointment!

Take Steps To Avoid Future Problems With Decay

If you have had issues with cavities in the past, make sure your daily oral care routine is as thorough as you believe it to be. Are you brushing for at least two minutes, changing your toothbrush every three months, and using only ADA-approved toothpaste? If not, you can be more vulnerable to problems than you realize. Remember that diet choices also impact a person’s cavity risk. Cutting back on sugars and starchy foods is recommended if you hope to do a better job preventing issues with decay.

Talk To Your Sheridan, WY Dentist About Cavity Treatment!

If you have a cavity, make sure it is treated as soon as possible to limit potential complications. To learn how we can help you address and prevent decay, contact Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY by calling 307-672-7567.