Can Cosmetic Dentistry Help With Minor Chips And Cracks?

Is it possible to avoid restorative dental work if you chip or crack a tooth? Minor injuries that occur can leave you with dental damage that is noticeable, but not serious enough to actually interfere with the way you bite and chew. When this kind of injury occurs, it is possible to have a more conservative cosmetic dental treatment performed to resolve the matter. Through the right cosmetic procedure, your Sheridan, WY dentist can make sure that your smile is attractive and free of any obvious flaws. Before moving forward with this treatment approach, we can check to see if it might be necessary to use a dental crown to make sure that the tooth stays healthy.

“Minor” Damage To Tooth Enamel Can Be A Big Concern

You can feel real concern over a “minor” chip or crack. This one small change in the way you look can leave you self-conscious about your appearance, as you may notice people giving it unwanted attention. The problem also makes your smile uneven, leaving you uncomfortable with the way you look. Fortunately, for smaller chips and cracks it is possible it to perform treatment while minimizing any changes to your tooth structure.

What Are Your Options For Cosmetic Dental Treatment?

If you are approved for cosmetic dental treatment, you and your dentist can review what procedures might work for you. One treatment we can offer is tooth bonding. When this occurs, your dentist carefully restores a tooth by applying a composite resin material to its surface. Through this approach, we can positively change your smile without placing a restoration on it. We also have the option of restoring a tooth by covering damage with a porcelain veneer. Veneers are slim enough to require minimal preparatory work, but strong enough to withstand considerable biting and chewing pressure.

Dental Crowns Help Restore Teeth That Need More Than Cosmetic Support

If your “minor” injury makes you reluctant to put pressure on a tooth, or if causes you to have difficulties with pain or sensitivity, it may take a dental crown to properly restore it. Thanks to the CEREC technology contained in our office, we can help patients with this issue in less time. While other practices often require more than one appointment to have a crown placed, we can design the restoration, produce it on site, and fit it on your tooth in just one visit!

Talk To Your Sheridan, WY Dentist About The Benefits Of Cosmetic Treatment

If you want to do something about a “minor” flaw caused by a dental injury, Grinnell Street Dental can help! You can discuss the benefits of cosmetic treatment, or look into possible restorative dental work, by reaching out to our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office at 307-672-7567.