Tartar Buildup Can Raise Your Risk For Dental Troubles

If you have a consistent brushing and flossing routine in place, you can keep your smile safe against a buildup of harmful plaque. It is important to maintain good habits on a regular basis, as even a relatively small gap in your oral care routine can allow tartar to form. While you can effectively remove plaque from your smile when you brush and floss, tartar buildup remains in place until your next routine dental appointment. Unfortunately, this can make you more vulnerable to problems with tooth decay and gum disease! Make sure you practice good habits at home, but remember that you should also take advantage of the preventive care that your Sheridan, WY dentist’s office provides!

Can I Fight Tartar With My Daily Oral Care Routine?

You can fight the formation of tartar with your daily oral care routine. Every time you brush and floss, you can remove plaque deposits that might have formed since your last session. Unfortunately, if you leave plaque in place for too long, the material can harden and become difficult to remove. Tartar buildup is not something a toothbrush or floss string is prepared to remove. In order to take care of this accumulation, you should have a routine dental exam and cleaning scheduled. The cleaning session at your next appointment can lead to the removal of tartar so that your smile is no longer at risk for problems the substance can cause.

Other Benefits To Routine Dental Appointments

In addition to providing you with a professional teeth cleaning, our dental practice can help you by keeping you informed about troubles like tooth decay and gum disease. If your dentist spots a cavity, it can be removed – and your tooth can be restored with a dental filling – before the problems worsens. An untreated cavity could eventually lead to an infected tooth, and it can require the placement of a dental crown. Your visits also give us the chance to watch for signs of problems with your bite function or jaw joints. These problems, when left untreated, can lead to chronic pain and limited jaw movement.

We Can Provide Prompt Care When You Have Oral Health Issues

If you show signs of oral health problems, we can make plans to deliver care promptly! This includes treatment for a cavity, even if the matter is too serious for a dental filling. Because of the CEREC technology in our office, we are prepared to design and place a dental crown for you in as little as one appointment. We can also help with other matters, like cold sores, that might affect your health and appearance.

Grinnell Street Dental Is Ready To Help You Deal With Tartar Buildup

At Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, patients can count on important preventive dental care! We can provide you with help to stop tartar buildup from hurting your appearance and oral health. Our practice is also able to take on active problems that require professional treatment. To find out more, call our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office today at 307-672-7567.