Why Am I Having A Harder Time Biting And Chewing?

Something as simple as biting and chewing should occur without any difficulties…right? If accumulating stress starts to take its toll on your jaw joints and muscles, you may begin experiencing problems with these routine motions. A person who experiences TMJ disorder may find it hard to move their jaw because it feels stiff or sore. Others can experience recurring pain in these areas, as well as in their face, head, and neck. At our Sheridan, WY dental practice, we are familiar with the impact TMJ disorder can have on a person’s quality of life. We can recommend a solution in the form of a custom oral appliance that alleviates stress, and allows you to once again feel comfortable.

Problems Linked To TMJ Disorder Can Interfere With Your Daily Life

When stress affects your jaw, there are several symptoms that can start to lower your quality of life. People who have unresolved problems with TMJ disorder can start to suffer from chronic headaches, and they may experience pain or sensitivity in their face, jaw, and neck. You can also develop difficulties because of habitual teeth grinding. If grinding or clenching occur at night, while you rest, the damage to your teeth can call for cosmetic dental work.

A Custom Oral Appliance Can Help Reduce Your Ongoing Discomfort

Our practice has helped many people deal with daily discomfort by providing them with a custom oral appliance. The appliance designed for you will hold your jaw in a way that reduces stress on your joints and muscles while you sleep. Over time, this correction can ease difficulties with your bite, reduce your headaches, and generally improve your quality of life.

Take Advantage Of Regular Dental Exams To Stay Informed About Your Oral Health

As part of our commitment to your general dental health, we can check on signs and symptoms of TMJ disorder. Treating this problem in a timely manner can prevent harmful dental damage from teeth grinding that can require cosmetic work, or even the placement of dental crowns. It can also help you enjoy days without stressful headaches, limited jaw movement, and other concerns. If you are not attending routine dental exams currently, you are missing out on the kind of ongoing support that can help you preserve a better smile, and enjoy a better quality of life!

Talk To Grinnell Street Dental About Your Issues With Biting And Chewing

Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY is ready to identify and treat your jaw problems. TMJ disorder can be a serious problem in your daily life. By addressing the matter, we can take care of chronic pain, and protect your teeth. This is one of many issues we are prepared to address so that you can stay in the best possible oral health. To learn more about Grinnell Street Dental, or to schedule an appointment with one of our doctors, contact our Sheridan, WY, dental office today at (307) 672-7567.

filed under: TMJ