Better Dental Health Can Improve Your Bite Function

There are several issues that can attract your attention, and let you know that you may have an issue with your oral health. A persistent toothache is certainly a sign that something might be wrong, as is a tooth that looks unhealthy. You should also be paying attention to your bite function – if pain or sensitivity issues affect how you bite and chew, the matter may be something that calls for restorative dental work. At our Sheridan, WY dental practice, we can work with you to determine what might be impacting your ability to enjoy a comfortable bite function. While the problem may concern the condition of certain teeth, you could also be in need of treatment for TMJ dysfunction.

Restoring The Health Of Teeth In Order To Improve Your Bite

If you have teeth that are injured, worn, or suffering from unaddressed tooth decay, you can certainly find yourself having a harder time with biting and chewing! During an evaluation, your dentist can closely evaluate the state of your teeth, and look for any evidence that something might be wrong. Problems that hurt your ability to apply pressure on certain teeth can be addressed when you have dental crowns placed. Dental crowns are meant to offer functional improvements, but you can be happy to know that they can also lead to you showing off a better smile. For our patients, we can actually complete work in less time by using CEREC technology to create custom crowns in as little as one appointment!

Taking On Problems With Your Jaw Joints

Problems that affect your jaw joints and muscles can create more than just bite problems. You can find that any jaw movement – including movements connected to biting and chewing – are related to TMJ dysfunction. This condition can also cause a person to experience headaches, neck pain, and other aches. Taking on this problem may require corrections to your bite motions. A custom appliance can also be called for – wearing the appliance can help position your jaw in a way that relaxes your joints.

We Can Restore Your Dental Health And Your Appearance!

Our practice is ready to take on problems that negatively impact your oral health. When issues affect your dental health, you can notice unpleasant changes to your smile. Because we use CEREC technology to produce ceramic crowns, your treatment can lead to coverage for unflattering problems. Of course, if your only concern is with your appearance, we can talk to you about cosmetic dental services.

Talk To Grinnell Street Dental About Improving Your Dental Health And Bite Function

At Grinnell Street Dental, patients who want to do something about poor oral health can talk to us about work to address unhealthy teeth, as well as issues with their jaw joints and muscles. To find out more about Grinnell Street Dental, or to make an appointment with one of our doctors, contact our Sheridan, WY, dental office today at (307) 672-7567.