If you have ongoing problems with jaw pain or stiffness, it can be difficult to avoid movements that aggravate the problem, and make you uncomfortable. After all, you can hardly be expected to speak, laugh, bite, and chew without some type of jaw motion! These frustrating issues with your jaw may be due to TMJ dysfunction. This difficulty can stem from several different sources – fortunately, your Sheridan, WY dentist is able to recognize when it needs to be addressed. In addition to providing you with care to alleviate your issues with TMJ dysfunction, our practice can work with you to address any dental problems that may have led to the issue. We are also equipped to deal with dental damage from teeth grinding, a problem often related to TMJ dysfunction.
Have You Been Dealing With The Effects Of TMJ Dysfunction?
When you have problems moving your jaw, or when you find that pain in your face, neck, jaw, and head develop frequently, you should be concerned about TMJ dysfunction. Ignoring this problem means continuing to experience pain, and facing the possibility that your discomfort will worsen over time. The matter can be especially serious if you have related problems with teeth grinding, also known as bruxism. Untreated troubles with bruxism can cause you to damage your teeth!
Arranging TMJ Treatment With Your Dentist
After studying you to determine if your problems are related to TMJ dysfunction, we can talk to you about dealing with the matter. The alignment of your jaw joints, and stress on your jaw joints and muscles, can be a cause of your problems. Many people benefit from the use of a custom-made appliance that can reduce pressure, and correct its position gently. Wearing the appliance at night can lead to relief. We can also do work to restore any teeth that have been damaged by frequent grinding issues connected to TMJ dysfunction. Dental crowns are sometimes needed to repair a smile that has suffered chips or cracks.
Taking Care Of Problems That Affect Your Bite
If you are experiencing TMJ dysfunction, it may be a sign that something is wrong with your bite function. A poor bite can lead to more stress related to jaw movement, which leads to discomfort. You can have the matter addressed through orthodontic work, which can help you practice a more natural bite. You may also require work on teeth that have not been strong enough to support good bite function.
Talk To Grinnell Street Dental About Jaw Pain Or Stiffness Caused
By TMJ Dysfunction
TMJ dysfunction can be an intrusive, painful problem. Over time, it can even lead to serious dental damage! At Grinnell Street Dental, you can look forward to relief through treatment for these issues. To learn more about Grinnell Street Dental, or to make an appointment with one of our doctors, contact our Sheridan, WY, dental office today at (307) 672-7567.