Imagine you are going to see your dentist about a cavity. Do you know what will come of that treatment? How will your dentist care for your tooth? The answer is partly dependent on how long you waited for help, and how much the cavity has grown. A cavity forms over time, the consequence of persistent harm inflicted on your enamel by oral bacteria. Those bacteria release acids in the process of digesting sugars they consume. While your enamel can recover from smaller damage, a cavity will continue to spread until it is removed. If the cavity is smaller when it is caught and treated, your tooth may be repairable with a dental filling. If a filling is not seen as suitable, your dentist can use a dental crown to restore your tooth.
Restoring Your Tooth After Removing A Smaller Cavity
A composite resin offers effective, esthetically pleasing restoration for a tooth after a cavity. The material is life-like enough to be used in dental bonding, a cosmetic procedure. Your dentist will fill in the area of your tooth where decay was taken out. The substance bonds with your enamel directly, and can discreetly fill in for what was lost.
Restoring Your Tooth After Removing A Larger Cavity
A dental crown can help if your tooth has lost so much material that composite resin is not a reliable form of support. A CEREC crown, made from ceramic, can actually be provided in one visit. The crown is made in-office, and fits over your tooth completely. The ceramic material has an attractive, natural appearance and is strong enough to work on your tooth’s behalf.