“Where Can I Get Veneers in Sheridan, Wyoming?”

You have probably heard about porcelain veneers in the news. Maybe you heard that a celebrity or famous person you admire got their nearly perfect smile from cosmetic dentistry. With widespread availability and financing methods, many more people are able to afford and receive procedures than ever before. Cosmetic dental procedures are for everyday people, too!

What are Veneers?

Basically, veneers are thin wafer-like coverings that fit over your teeth. They can hide a wide range of imperfections such as gaps, crowding, misalignment, and permanent stains. Many patients believe that they look and feel like real teeth.

Who are the Best Candidates for the Procedure?

Candidates for veneers have multiple problem areas with their smile they want to correct. Ultimately, it is best that our team at Grinnell Street Dental provide you with a consultation and our assessment of which cosmetic dental procedures we feel are best for you.

How Long do Veneers Last?

As long as you care for your veneers properly, there is no expiration date. Treat them like natural teeth and brush two times a day and floss once a day. If you do this, your veneers will last for years to come.

How are Veneers Placed on My Teeth?

First, our dentists will take precise molds of your teeth. These molds will allow your veneers to be custom made just for you.  Based on the molds your dentist takes, your veneers will be created by a trained dental lab technician. After your veneers are ready, you will come back and our dentists will permanently bond the veneers to your teeth with dental cement. Final adjustments will be made to find the best color and shape for  your facial features so that the end result is a natural-looking smile.

I’m Interested in Veneers, What should I Do Next?

Contact our office at (307) 672-7567 for more information or to schedule a consultation. We have enhanced the smiles of residents in Sheridan, Wyoming, and the surrounding areas.