When you have a missing tooth, your smile, oral health, and self esteem can suffer. You may experience dietary restrictions, speaking difficulties, and jaw bone degeneration. Additionally, people who do not replace missing teeth are also at higher risk for losing more teeth in the next four to eight years.
Dental implants can restore missing teeth, as well as health and vitality to your smile.
Dental implants are designed to look, function, and feel just like natural teeth. To achieve this, dental implants consist of two parts. A small titanium post is placed in your jaw. This post, which is the actual implant, serves as the “root” of your tooth and holds the replacement tooth (or teeth) in place. Once your implant heals, your prosthetic crown (or bridge, partial, or denture) is placed, completing your new tooth.
Additionally, your jawbone will naturally fuse to the biocompatible implant, creating a solid foundation for your new tooth.
At Grinnell Street Dental, located in Sheridan, Wyoming, we have created beautiful, healthy, and fully functional smiles with dental implants. If you’re ready to achieve a higher quality of life, we invite you to call our dental office at (307) 672-7567 to reserve your consultation appointment time.