How Your Dentist Can Help With A Cold Sore

Cold sores can be embarrassing and unsightly. These blisters, concentrated around the mouth area, can develop thanks to the herpes simplex virus. This can lead to irritation or pain, but you can also suffer symptoms like a sore throat or a fever. Your dentist can help address cold sores with laser treatment. By seeking this laser treatment, your dentist can ensure a cold sore goes away sooner, so you do not have to feel self-conscious while you wait for it to heal naturally. If you detect the problem at an early stage, this procedure can actually stop a cold sore before it erupts.

How Laser Treatment Can Take Care Of A Cold Sore

Laser treatments can destroy the virus causing the sores – while this does not cure you of the virus altogether, it can stop the sore from erupting if caught in time. This procedure can also reduce the number of cold sores that develop, and can even ensure they stop reappearing in the same location.

Other Cosmetic Services Your Dentist Can Provide

The elimination of cold sores is just one way your dentist can help improve your appearance. There are several cosmetic procedures that they can provide. If you are ready to see your teeth look several shades whiter, a single professional whitening treatment can be provided in the office. You also have the choice to take the necessary materials home and perform your own procedure. If you need to address more than just discoloration, you might be an ideal candidate for porcelain veneers, which hide a range of problems that can subtract from the quality of your smile.