Minimally Invasive Tooth Bonding
Conservative treatment to improve your tooth
Cosmetic dental bonding is a conservative treatment option that can address a wide range of issues with highly lifelike results. The ability to improve your smile’s appearance while minimizing changes to your teeth makes bonding an especially beneficial option, allowing you to preserve more of your healthy tooth structure than other treatments may allow.
What is cosmetic tooth bonding?
To bond a tooth, we apply biocompatible tooth-colored composite resin – the same material we use to create metal-free fillings – to specific areas of your tooth’s surface. The resin, which is custom-tinted to match the specific color and shade of your tooth structure, can be sculpted to match the tooth’s ideal size, shape, and contour. Then, we’ll harden the resin to for a durable finish, and polish it to give it a healthy, lifelike shine.
What tooth bonding can correct
Besides lightly etching the surface of your tooth to make the resin bond more securely to it, the procedure doesn’t require any permanent changes to your healthy tooth structure. Yet, it can be used to correct a wide range of general and cosmetic concerns, including:
- Worn or chipped teeth
- Severe tooth discoloration that doesn’t respond to teeth-whitening
- Lightly cracked teeth
- Noticeable spaces between teeth
- Teeth that seem too short
- Tooth decay (when used as a tooth-colored filling)
- And more
Improve your smile more conveniently
Tooth bonding allows us to improve a wide range of cosmetic issues in a more conservative manner than most other treatment options. To learn more, or to schedule your consultation with us, call Grinnell Street Dental today at 307-672-7567. Located in Sheridan, WY, we also proudly serve the residents of Gillette, Billings, Miles City, and all surrounding communities.